Monday, August 14, 2017

Own it, President Trump!

After a terrorist motorist slammed his car into counter-protesters of a White Nationalism gathering in Charlottesville, Virginia, injuring numerous people (at the last tally, one dead).  The motive, and if there’s a group taking responsibility for this internal, terrorist attack.  Looks like “homegrown” terrorists are using a page from ISIS’s notebook.
Soon after the attack, President Trump gave a press conference, condemned them as acts as one of hate & bigotry-he then went onto say that the terror came from “many sides.”
A day after a tense white nationalist gathering in his city turned deadly, Charlottesville, Virginia, Mayor Michael Signer expressed his displeasure with how Donald Trump carried himself during the 2016 presidential campaign.
"Old saying: When you dance with the devil, the devil doesn't change. The devil changes you," Signer said Sunday morning on NBC's "Meet The Press," explaining why he had said on Saturday that he hopes President Trump "looks himself in the mirror and thinks very deeply about who he consorted with."
"I think they made a choice in that campaign," Signer continued. "A very regrettable one, to really go to people's prejudices, to go to the gutter."
Singer said "these influences around the country, these anti-Semites, racists, Aryans, neo-Nazis, KKK," people who were "always in the shadows," have "been given a key and a reason to come into the light."
"The time has come for this to stop," the mayor said. "This should be a turning point. This movement jumped the shark, and it happened yesterday. People are dying, and I do think that it's now on the president and on all of us to say 'enough is enough.'"
One eye witness, BRANDY GONZALEZ, commented: “I think it just sends a very clear message of who he (Trump-mine) is not willing to offend. And that’s pretty clear. I think that’s been clear for a really long time. I do want to say, however, on a state level, that I’m very unhappy with the comments from Governor McAuliffe, from the mayor of Charlottesville and from the chief of police of Charlottesville. The press statement they made on the day was just one after the other of "This is not my fault." And every update that I’ve received is completely unacceptable. I personally believe that there should be a public and clear apology from the three, and also an apology from the ACLU for fighting for their right to have that rally, because this all could have been prevented, and all you’re doing is sending a clear message of who you care about. So, maybe people should stop and realize what their actions and what the things that they do are actually saying to us, the people.”

Once again, I marvel!  That in placing blame there was no finger pointing back at himself, as President.  Kinda like that old American aphorism: ‘When you point a finger at someone else, don’t forget that you’ve got three fingers pointing back at yourself.’   There might not have been a truer statement than this ever made-isn’t this a stark showing of human nature?

Just like all the rest of us, Trump’s mirror is pointed and aimed to an exterior target; if we’re honest, and I’m sure we’d all like to be, we’d attest to what we know (cognitively, factually and scientifically, or what we’ve observed.  Right on!

Trump has no awareness of the difference between language & action-he thinks, I assume, that his political verbiage has no relationship to potential, violent actions-thus, there’s no idea in his head, that what he says, can ferociously ignite actions on the part of his deluded followers.  So, ‘it’s not my fault, it’s the “many sides’” fault.’

I think we need to establish that language is an environment and a behavior; there’s no separation here-it’s elementally bound together into a oneness.

Trump is so deluded, he can’t comprehend how his own racist & biased language has any causal factor in terroristic attacks.  Remember “McCarthyism?”  A crowd-delusion of mammoth proportions, that literally turned the nation upside-down in the Fifties-a witch hunt for “Commies.”

The power in all Fascist & Totalitarian systems is forged in the imaginations of people, through others’ influence, who believe that these systems are the true reality of the structure of life.  The charism and flair of the communicator is part of the equation of hate, as is the ignorance of the listeners.  Trump’s narcissism, and inability/blindness to take personal responsibility for his words and actions is one of the “many sides.”  Own it, President Trump!

Copyright: Christopher Bear-Beam August 13, 2017

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